TARAgram Yatra 2015

  Is an annual event that holds global multi-stakeholder consultation,organised by the Development
  Alternatives in partnership with Technology & Action Rural Advancement (TARA), Heinrich Böll
  Stiftung / Foundation's (HBF), OXFAM, Deutsche Gesellschaft for Internationale Zusammenarbeit
  (GIZ), and the Department for International Development (DFID).
Yatra A Journey
TARAgram Yatra brings together practitioners and policy makers to discuss issues of sustainability and identify what can we do more, different and/or better such that India transforms to a greener, more sustainable, resilient and inclusive economy. TARAgram Yatra an 2015 talks about "India - Post 2015: Investing in Sustainability". 2015 stands to go down in history as the year when the world got together to develop and agree upon a universal agenda for growth i.e. the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus we are presented with a huge opportunity as well as a great responsibility to utilise these goals and targets to align and track national progress with the triple bottom line of environment, social and economics.
Good Practices
The challenge for India is in ensuring inclusive green economic growth which does not compromise on the environment or people’s well-being. India has to make some critical choices while deciding its priorities. These priorities have to be picked such that there are synergetic solutions on a broad spectrum instead of trade-offs amongst different goals and targets. TARAgram Yatra 2015 has identified three priority areas to address in this context.
  1. Resource Efficiency for an Urbanising India
  2. Building Resilience in Agriculture for Food Security
  3. Energy Driving Low Carbon Local Economies
Policy Discussion
The Yatra involves a two day ‘pilgrimage’ by its participants to sites in different parts of the country to observe development activities that are breaking new ground in ways that are both innovative and scalable. After the Yatra, we meet in Delhi with eminent practitioners and policy makers to share thoughts on the nature of a desirable development strategy. The plenary session, where we will share alternative perspectives to development is scheduled on 10th October 2015 from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm